Meet Jessica

Name: Jessica Charbonneau
Height: 5 foot everything
Favorite Junk Food: cream puffs (almost never eat them - the devil lives in its center)
Favorite Healthy Food: yams... does that count? Too
Least Favorite Junk Food that I Still Find Myself Eating for Unexplained Reasons: apple pie (cover it in ice cream, I'll eat it...but I won't like it!)
Least Favorite Healthy Food That I Need to Learn to Like: tomatoes
Feel-Good Movie Recommendation: Love Actually (is all around us)
Best Workout Music: Step Up Soundtrack (the first one)
I Love: Charlie, my Great Dane cross cuddler
I Hate: rats
I Am: struggling
I Will Be: thriving

Goals for 2013: 

OH goals...
Well lose weight, pay off debt and move back to Vancouver come immediately to mind.
My real goal is to work on myself daily and not worry so much about the future. Live in the moment. And pay off debt haha

I like to talk about myself, especially my struggles, so I'll try to stop this from being a book. I was always a little overweight...not crazy just a little chub chub.
At a young age I thought I was fat. Like 7. My sister and bother were both skinny and into sports. I was chubby and into singing and acting...and the youngest...not fair.
I started trying to lose weight around the age of 11. I hit puberty at 10 and lost the baby fat, but a year of having boobs while my friends didn't was way too much to bear.
Went between 140-170 from when I was 11-23, so yo-yoed a lot.
I moved to BC and quickly yo-yoed up from my lowest weight to my top dog weight. However this time I didn't stop. I gained an extra 20lbs and kept it on. Everything I would do would NOT work. I could lose 10lbs at most, then give up. That kept happening for 2 more years, then I went through a stressful time (break up/moved back to Ontario/money stress) and quickly gained another 40lbs. 

So here I am, my biggest weight and not without trying to be the opposite. I'm talking personal trainers, diets upon diets, cutting this, adding that...All of it and more. What makes this time different, you ask? I'm hoping outlook. I'm hoping that treating this like an addiction (which it is) and stopping the band-aid solutions may be the best solution.

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