Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day 71. It May Be Time.

I love a cleanse. Not as a diet tactic, more as a retreat from the over-stimulus of all the foods I'm faced with on a daily basis. There is something about the mindset of a strict (temporary) diet that I like. It requires discipline, focus, and rewards you with a small peace of mind and a fresh breath for your organs. If only I could hole up in a cottage and read books the whole time I'm on one. Instead I have to face a full waking day of stress, every day, as so many of us do.

I'm beginning to see why the Western world is in the state it is. My first dip into the confinement of 9-5, on-the-clock, stare-at-a-screen lifestyle and I'm scrambling to be the perfect employee while simultaneously devising escape plans. I "get" Office Space now. And it's only my second month! Today I had it in my head that I would make oven roasted bell peppers suffed with couscous, potatoes and vegetables. Even as I type that I'm getting hungry. But by the time I'm done work I am ready to kill and avoid the grocery store thusly to remain an upstanding citizen. Not to mention the lack of patience I have for chopping and peeli-ugh. I sound old. This job is making me old. I hate old (sorry elders). I hate domestic. I hate sad. I swore an oath to myself long ago that I would never give up on life.

Conquer, I must.

Supermarket Sweep. Perhaps watching it as a child shaped my future.

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