Saturday, March 16, 2013

Day 75. Age of Aquarius.

"This winter has given me a crash course in perspective, and I can now appreciate every day that my fingers don't go numb while trying to chip the ice off my windshield."

Guess what I had to do todayyyyy??? 


Yet I am pressing on. Heading to the shelter and then to the gym. Not much to say today, had a bit of a rough night emotionally last night and just need to lift my chin up and get on with it.

I bought some vegetarian B-12 vitamins. I also watched a documentary about vitamins being used in place of prescriptions. I have definitely felt the effects of the "vitamins don't really do anything" and "too much can hurt you" campaign. But research doesn't lie, unless it's lying. Remember where peoples' interests...lie. Does the pharmaceutical company love you? Or money? It's almost like a personality quiz:

If you were feeling crappy for a long period of time, you would:
a) Assess your lifestyle and diet and supplement your body with the natural nutrients it runs on but often doesn't get enough of due to the confines of society?
b) Beeline for the latest chemical concoction that promises the energy to put up with life with only a few potentially fatal side effects.

If you chose mostly B's, you're a Quick Fix Kelly! If you chose mostly A's, you're a radical conspiracy theorist not to be trusted!

Ah, I guess I did have something to say today.

Even at age 12, I knew I was "different".

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