Saturday, March 02, 2013

Day 61. A Little More Fun.


There is more grass than snow on the ground right now, and although it is mushy and brown, you will not hear me complaining. It rained yesterday and I literally almost started crying with joy. It's warm enough to be raining. I did it. I survived winter. It is still around the 0 degree mark, but I think days of -30 are history (until next winter, but let's not speak of that).

Oh, by the way, I hate my job. It's stressful and draining and for a person who doesn't like making mistakes, there are infinite mistakes to be made. It's been quite the hit on my intellectual pride. However, as mentioned in an earlier post, I have crunched the numbers and determined it will take 53 days of pay to be debt free. Yes I hate my job, but yes it's my ticket to Financial Freedom 2013, woo!!! 53 days (rounded up to 60 for expenses along the way) will take me into May. If When I pay off that final bill, I will try to stick with the job until I have a comfortable amount in the bank, and/or until I have another decent job lined up. Who knows, maybe I'll like the job I have by then...

Also by then, I need to have my spending habits in check. I never want to be in the hole again. I will leave my Visa at home (or cut it up and make it into an art installment) and if I don't have the money for something, I go without. Sorry, Visa. I appreciate the love letters you send me, offering to up my limit to ridiculous heights because I'm such a good customer, but I'm getting out of this toxic relationship.

-Visa left at home
-gym at least 3 work days and 1 weekend day
-stretch every day
-drink water in place of anything else (stop the fizzy waters and fruit juices, I'm slightly dependent on them)
-eat foods that are already at home in the cupboard
-really enforce 1 serving of dairy per day (or go without, if possible!)
-no more sugar exceptions (there have been a few in Feb)

It is springtime. (I'm starting to tear up again.) I am determined to do what it takes to enjoy myself during the enjoyable months.


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