Saturday, March 09, 2013

Day 68. In Like a Lion.

Out like a lamb :)

I love lions.

I like drama. I like every situation to have a bit of flare. Spring has a lot of flare. Color, flowers, a little heat, a little cold. JEAN JACKETS!!  It's my season.

Sping is also about re-birth and new changes and new starts -yay yay yay. This spring I am starting at a gym. My mom will be my gym buddy.

I'm scared. I'm scared because I know I'll start out so well. I know exercise will make a huge difference for me. I don't diet, I don't restrict, I also don't binge and although this is probably the healthiest I've ever eaten. I also am not losing weight. Or if I am its at a snails pace. I've kept what I've lost off. My clothes are semi-loose but not enough to move down another size, and I've been in this position for about a month. I have a lot of travelling to do this month and my goal is to not gain and to not eat like shit. That's it. I start the gym in April and that will be my new level. I will last - I will - I will.

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