Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day 69. Heh heh.

Yes I'm that immature.

Let's talk about juicing. No, not steroids. Rather the extraction of liquid from various plants for nutritional purposes. I love juice. Fruit juice. But I've never had a glass of V8 in my life. I have a weird thing about textures. You know how most people think the idea of a steak and potatoes in a blender would be disgusting to drink? I take that a step further, although not by choice. The idea of getting a tomato flavor without any sort of tomato texture makes me uneasy. And yet juicing has been shown to be one of the most effective ways to receive vitamins and nutrients.

So, today, as I have been fighting off a cold for a few days, I decide to stop by the smoothie place (the token one in town) and I go for: The Cold Buster. Carrots, ginger, and oranges. Needless to say, I'm nervous. But I hear the voice of others in my head, "you can't even taste the vegetables! The fruits are what you taste."

One sip and I'm doing my best to suppress my gag reflex. IT TASTES LIKE SPICY CARROTS. Cold, runny, spicy carrots. If I hadn't paid $5 for the thing I might have chucked it. Instead I brought it home. I considered putting it in a pot and cooking it until it became soup (acceptable form of spicy carrots) but as I'm trying to incorporate more raw items in my diet I added 7 ice cubes and some good ol' Tropicana OJ and let it sit for a while. It is now palatable. The ice has muted the ginger and the added oj has masked some of the undeniable carrot flavor.

(She's being paid to smile.)

Good thing I didn't go for that wheat grass shot. In conclusion, I am content to eat a bagful of raw carrots with a glass of orange juice on the side. 

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