Thursday, April 04, 2013

Day 94. AHHHH Answers.


I've been feeling miserable for years. Anyone who has been reading the blog will know I can be a bit of a scattered mess. Boy do I try though.

I have been fighting with my weight my whole life, but I've been in a full out war for the last 4-5 years. I'm talking epic. I moved away from my beloved city to give myself a chance to heal and figure out what the hell was going on. In July I started seeing a new family Doctor. She was fantastic and said, ok, those are your symptoms it sounds like this --- PCOS --- now lets find proof. Well nothing came up in lab tests. NOTHING. I was as healthy as a horse... on paper. I was still having horrible symptoms so off to a specialist I went.

Turns out I was as healthy as a horse... the horse on the way to the glue factory that is.
My new specialist said yes on paper everything looks normal but if you stop just looking at the numbers alone and compare them against each other it was out of whack. Along with my symptoms (having a hard time losing weight, not having my period for 8 months... among others) that was enough for her to give me the news.

What does this mean to me?

My hormones are fucked up. My body tells itself lies!! A hugh lie being that I need to produce more and more insulin which is a hugh reason I'm fat. When insulin levels are spiked insulin holds onto fat. My body produces WAAAAY too much insulin so basically everything I eat gets turned into fat. Even if i'm trying to diet if I eat the wrong calories I'm fucked.

Also a bunch of other lies but thats the most important one to me.

What can I do about it?

Go on the birth control pill and be on a low carb diet and add in exercise.
This will never go away I can just control the effect it has on me.
All together now--- BOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

I'll tell you how she goes. You'll be hearing a lot about it. Trust me.

1 comment:

  1. Really interesting Jess! I just read the wiki page... it does seem to make some sense and it least know you have some treatment options... hang in there!
