Saturday, April 06, 2013

Day 96. SOO Whatcha Doin?

Ever since I was told I had PCOS I've been living a low carb lifestyle. It's been surprisingly easy most of the time. Anytime you can have bacon for breakfast and steak for dinner it doesn't feel like you are on a diet.

I know there are tons of voices out there saying that low carb is bad for you well to them I say blah blah blah I know for a FACT that high carb foods make me gain weight and I've stayed in my calories and felt satisfied and have enjoyed eating for the past two weeks and I STILL lost 11 lbs. What I'm starting to understand is that what works for you doesn't mean it works for me. Our bodies are all different and maybe Paige can have a bagel with low fat cheese and lose weight the next day... ( maybe not.. just saying) I know I can't do that. If I have 3 slices of bacon and 2 eggs and a cup of coffee with full cream and I feel great full of energy and ready to take on the world AND I still lose weight-I will take that over being starving from a bagel and cheese and gaining weight any day. I think being a healthy weight and eating higher protein and fat foods is much healthier than being over weight and eating low fat higher carb foods but I'm not a doctor. My Doctor does say to eat low carb though. To all of the voices out there I say take that.

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